At 7 a.m., the Eden Valley Trails crew begins their day with a sense of calm. The woods are peaceful, the air cool, and wildlife is retreating before the day's heat sets in. However, this tranquility is deceiving.
The assault starts gradually, with deer flies scouting in ones and twos. By 8:30, their numbers swell, buzzing around, landing on legs and arms, before launching concerted attacks on necks and backs. Despite the haze of insect repellent and exhaust fumes, the flies relentlessly press on. They sense when hands are busy with tools or fuel canisters, diving into noses and eyes. Flailing slaps and swings fend off many, but reinforcements are endless. Horse flies and ground hornets join the fray, with cries from the crew signaling successful strikes.
Progress on the new ~4 mile trail at North Fork Park is made inch by inch, day by day. The crew cuts the corridor, the excavator shapes the path, roots are cleared, rocks raked, and the compactor firms it all down—all under constant aerial attack. By 2 p.m., the crew is shrouded in hoods, hats, and gloves. The flies relent as the afternoon heat sets in, and by 5 p.m., the day's work concludes with about another 500 feet of trail completed.
Despite the daily battle, morale remains high. The crew is determined to finish this trail, a stunning new addition to North Fork Park. They hope to complete it by fall and share it with the community. Until then, swat a deer fly for the trail crew—they need all the help they can get. Follow them on social media or sign up for the newsletter at See you on the trails!
